
Songs written by the Montreal Raging Grannies:

Grandmother's Squawk
(Sung to the tune of "Grandfather's Clock")

Ces grandsmères en colère...selon leur manière
Vous invitent à changer le monde,
Une toute petit tâche...à faire avec panache...
Ensembles femmes formidables...en action!

These Grandmothers squawk but don´t sit on the shelf
While there's so much work to be done;
There´s the question of Peace while weapon sales increase,
And Foreign Aid keeps going down.
Our leaders, of course, show no shame or remorse,
As they still spend preparing for war...
So we'll BITCH...RAGE...
And...ROAR...even more,
Till we change our country's course.

They say high-tech war is good for trade,
But notice how craftily...
They chop and they slash, and they scoop out the cash
From our social economy:
Education and health now get less of our wealth,
Hungry kids are still a crying shame...
So we'll BITCH...RAGE...
And...ROAR...even more,
Till we clean up our country's name.

Singing Dirty
(Sung to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean")

We were invited to sing you a song
We're excited and terribly keen.
As Grannies we're pure, sweet and simple
Yet we rage at a government mean.

(shout out individually)
Unemployment - Poverty - Pollution - Downsizing - Over-consumption - Cuts to education, pensions and medicare - Hungry kids - Slave labour here and abroad - Toxic waste - Violence against women...(all together) And War!

The banks make billions in profit
The money is there for the rich
They pay a mere token in taxes
Do you wonder that we sing and bitch?

With these dirty facts of the last decade
The choice is to think and to strive
As Canadians, we must save our country
By keeping these issues alive.

(shout out individually)
Talk to your neighbours - Take a stand, write letters - Call your local radio and public television station - Put it on your church agenda - Write an opinion piece for your local newspaper - Shop with the planet in mind - Join with others to save Canada (and the world!).

(all together)
We need you!

© Montreal Raging Grannies 2012